MATLAB in the Biosciences - Solutions
Exercise 1
% there are several ways for creating these arrays
% 1 - squared brackets
A = [1 3 5; 3 6 3; 9 8 5]
% 2 - functions for array creation
A = rand(3)
A = magic(3)
b = [3; 4: 8] % 3 x 1 - column vector!
A * b(1)
A * b % matrix multiplication
A.*b % element-wise multiplication
B = [b b b] % horizontal concatenation
A = A.*B
Exercise 2
t = linspace(0,2*pi,100); % use linspace to get n equidistant numbers
tnew = sin(t);
tc = asin(tnew);
t == tc % you could use `all(t==tc)` to check whether all are equal
notequalpos = find(t~=tc);
Exercise 3
% use the documentation to find the functions needed
Exercise 4
str = 'Sven'
cstr = {str, 'EMBL'}
Exercise 5
- Use the
Import Tool
(double-click the csv or Excel file) to preview the file. Rename the column headers to time, R, L and RL - Generate script, name script
- Import data as Column Vectors
- Plot the data by using the Plot dialog in the Workspace Browser
- Add all data to the plot (Add Data), modify
and other properties like Markers, Colors, labels, title etc. according to you taste - Once done, generate code (File -> Generate Code) and save the corresponding function as
- Save the figure as a png file using either the (i) File->Export Setup, (ii)
command or (iii) theexport_fig()
function from the MATLAB File Exchange
Exercise 6
%% import the data using autogenerated code
% assign the columns to data vectors
[time, R, L, RL] = importdata('RLBinding.csv',1, 17)
%% plot using the autogenerated code from the plot tools
createfigure(time, R, L, RL) % the exact function signature
% depends on the generated code and your sequence of steps
Exercise 7
%% get a list of csv files in the current folder
files = dir('*.csv');
% calculate the best number of rows and columns for
% the subplot
nfiles = length(files);
nrows = round(sqrt(nfiles));
ncols = ceil(sqrt(nfiles));
%% loop through all files
for ii = 1:nfiles
%% import the data using autogenerated code
% assign the columns to data vectors
[time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17)
%% plot using the autogenerated code from the plot tools
subplot(nrows,ncols,ii), createfigure(time, R, L, RL)
% the exact function signature
% depends on the generated code and your sequence of steps
Then click on the publish button and a HTML report is automatically generated. Change the format by clicking on the arrow below Publish
Exercise 8
- in MATLAB:
% the ODE model
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;
drldt = + kf*r*l;
function rhs = oderhs(t,x)
% wrap a function header around the previous code block and
% save as oderhs.m
kf = 1;
% extract the input vector into the state variables
r = x(1);
l = x(2);
rl = x(3);
% ODE system
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;
drldt = + kf*r*l;
% any MATLAB ODE solver expects a column vector as output argument
rhs = [drdt; dldt; drldt];
function [t,x] = odeeuler(t0, tf, x0, h)
% solves an ODE system using the Euler method
% if you want it to be a general function that could be
% used for any ODE system, specify the ODE rhs function
% as an input argument:
% function [t,x] = odeeuler(@oderhs, t0, tf, x0, h)
% create the vector of time points
% at which to solve
t = t0:h:tf;
nsteps = length(t);
% preallocate the solution array
x = zeros(nsteps,3);
x(1,:) = x0;
% loop from 2 to the number of wanted solution points
for ii = 2:nsteps
x(ii,:) = x(ii-1,:) + h*oderhs(t(ii),x(ii-1,:));
x0 = [10 8 0];
[t,x] = odeeuler(0, 20, x0, 0.1);
% extract into column vectors
Rs = x(:,1);
Ls = x(:,2);
RLs = x(:,3);
% we could be using the createfigure function we created earlier,
% or just call plot()
plot(t,Rs,'r-d', t,Ls,'g-o', t,RLs,'b-x')
Exercise 9
function obj = objfunction(parameter)
[time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17);
% put the dataset into a single matrix so that we simply
% do a matrix subtraction
data = [R L RL];
ndata = length(time);
% simulate the model using the parameter
% instead of our own ODE solver, we'll use one
% of the in-built solvers and define the model rhs as
% a nested function to be able to pass in the parameter
% (matlab ODE solvers can only use functions that accept
% exactly two arguments)
[t, x] = ode15s(@odefunc,time, data(1,:));
res = data-x;
% calculate the least-squares term
% when using lsqnonlin in the calling function,
% simply return the column-vectorized residual
% (here: res)
obj = 1/(ndata-1)*sum(sqrt((res(:)).^2));
% nested ode function
function rhs = odefunc(t,x)
% the 'parameter' variable in the parent function
% is visible in this nested function (see the
% section on scope)
kf = parameter;
% extract the input vector into the state variables
r = x(1);
l = x(2);
rl = x(3);
% ODE system
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;
drldt = kf*r*l;
% when using nested functions the main function needs
% to be closed with 'end'
function bestparameter = fitparameter()
[time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17);
data = [R L RL]; % this dataset (and time) is/are
% visible in objfunction
% when we use lsqnonlin (available in the optimization
% toolbox, we need to return only a vector of the
% residuals)
% the third and fourth argument are the lower and upper
% bounds on the argument that should be minimized
[bestparameter] = lsqnonlin(@objfunction, p0, 0, Inf);
function res = objfunction(parameter)
ndata = length(time);
[t, x] = ode15s(@odefunc,time, data(1,:));
res = data-x;
% convert the ndata x 3 matrix to a column vector
% using the : operator
res = res(:);
function rhs = odefunc(t,x)
kf = parameter;
% extract the input vector into the state variables
r = x(1);
l = x(2);
rl = x(3);
% ODE system
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;
drldt = kf*r*l;
Exercise 10
files = dir('*.tif');
for ii = 1:length(files)
iminfo = imfinfo(files(ii).name);
% allocate the array imstack
imstack = zeros(iminfo(1).Height, iminfo(1).Width,length(iminfo);
% read in the tif into imstack using imread
for jj = 1:length(iminfo)
imstack(:,:,jj) = imread(files(ii).name,'Index',jj);
% extract the fluorescent images into another image stack
imstackf = imstack(:,:,1:end/2);
% maximum intensity projection
imm = max(imstackf,[],3);
% convert it to (0,1) intensity range
img = mat2gray(imm);
% median filtering to remove noise
img = medfilt2(img);
% sharpen the image
img = imsharpen(img);
% calculate the threshold
threshold = graythresh(img);
% segment the image using the threshold
imbw = im2bw(img, threshold);
% identify the objects
imobjs = bwlabel(imbw);
% extracting properties of the objects
improps = regionprops(imobjs,'all');
ncells = length(improps);
% the number of cells is the number of identified objects
sprintf('This image contains %d cells', ncells)