Sven Mesecke's blog

Posted Do 10 Oktober 2013

MATLAB in the Biosciences - Solutions

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Exercise 1

% there are several ways for creating these arrays
% 1 - squared brackets
A = [1 3 5; 3 6 3; 9 8 5]
% 2 - functions for array creation
A = rand(3)
A = magic(3) 

b = [3; 4: 8] % 3 x 1 - column vector!

A * b(1)
A * b % matrix multiplication
A.*b % element-wise multiplication

B = [b b b] % horizontal concatenation

A = A.*B


Exercise 2

t = linspace(0,2*pi,100); % use linspace to get n equidistant numbers
tnew = sin(t);
tc = asin(tnew);
t == tc % you could use `all(t==tc)` to check whether all are equal
notequalpos = find(t~=tc);

Exercise 3

% use the documentation to find the functions needed


Exercise 4

str = 'Sven'


cstr = {str, 'EMBL'}

Exercise 5


  1. Use the Import Tool (double-click the csv or Excel file) to preview the file. Rename the column headers to time, R, L and RL
  2. Generate script, name script importdata.m
  3. Import data as Column Vectors
  4. Plot the data by using the Plot dialog in the Workspace Browser
  5. Add all data to the plot (Add Data), modify LineWidth and other properties like Markers, Colors, labels, title etc. according to you taste
  6. Once done, generate code (File -> Generate Code) and save the corresponding function as createfigure.m
  7. Save the figure as a png file using either the (i) File->Export Setup, (ii) print command or (iii) the export_fig() function from the MATLAB File Exchange

Exercise 6

%% import the data using autogenerated code
% assign the columns to data vectors
[time, R, L, RL] = importdata('RLBinding.csv',1, 17)

%% plot using the autogenerated code from the plot tools
createfigure(time, R, L, RL) % the exact function signature 
% depends on the generated code and your sequence of steps

Exercise 7

%% get a list of csv files in the current folder
files = dir('*.csv');
% calculate the best number of rows and columns for 
% the subplot
nfiles = length(files);
nrows = round(sqrt(nfiles));
ncols = ceil(sqrt(nfiles));

%% loop through all files

for ii = 1:nfiles
    %% import the data using autogenerated code
    % assign the columns to data vectors
    [time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17)

    %% plot using the autogenerated code from the plot tools
    subplot(nrows,ncols,ii), createfigure(time, R, L, RL) 
    % the exact function signature 
    % depends on the generated code and your sequence of steps


Then click on the publish button and a HTML report is automatically generated. Change the format by clicking on the arrow below Publish

Exercise 8

  1. in MATLAB:
% the ODE model
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;

drldt = + kf*r*l;
function rhs = oderhs(t,x)
% wrap a function header around the previous code block and 
% save as oderhs.m

kf = 1;
% extract the input vector into the state variables
r = x(1);
l = x(2);
rl = x(3);

% ODE system
drdt = - kf*r*l;
dldt = - kf*r*l;
drldt = + kf*r*l;

% any MATLAB ODE solver expects a column vector as output argument
rhs = [drdt; dldt; drldt];
function [t,x] = odeeuler(t0, tf, x0, h)
% solves an ODE system using the Euler method
% if you want it to be a general function that could be 
% used for any ODE system, specify the ODE rhs function
% as an input argument:
% function [t,x] = odeeuler(@oderhs, t0, tf, x0, h)

% create the vector of time points
% at which to solve
t = t0:h:tf;
nsteps = length(t);
% preallocate the solution array
x = zeros(nsteps,3);
x(1,:) = x0;

% loop from 2 to the number of wanted solution points
for ii = 2:nsteps
    x(ii,:) = x(ii-1,:) + h*oderhs(t(ii),x(ii-1,:));
x0 = [10 8 0];
[t,x] = odeeuler(0, 20, x0, 0.1);
% extract into column vectors
Rs = x(:,1);
Ls = x(:,2);
RLs = x(:,3);

% we could be using the createfigure function we created earlier,
% or just call plot()
plot(t,Rs,'r-d', t,Ls,'g-o', t,RLs,'b-x')

Exercise 9

function obj = objfunction(parameter)

[time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17);
% put the dataset into a single matrix so that we simply
% do a matrix subtraction
data = [R L RL];
ndata = length(time);

% simulate the model using the parameter 
% instead of our own ODE solver, we'll use one
% of the in-built solvers and define the model rhs as 
% a nested function to be able to pass in the parameter
% (matlab ODE solvers can only use functions that accept
% exactly two arguments)

[t, x] = ode15s(@odefunc,time, data(1,:));
res = data-x;
% calculate the least-squares term
% when using lsqnonlin in the calling function,
% simply return the column-vectorized residual 
% (here: res)
obj = 1/(ndata-1)*sum(sqrt((res(:)).^2));

% nested ode function
function rhs = odefunc(t,x)
    % the 'parameter' variable in the parent function
    % is visible in this nested function (see the 
    % section on scope)
    kf = parameter;
    % extract the input vector into the state variables
    r = x(1);
    l = x(2);
    rl = x(3);

    % ODE system
    drdt = - kf*r*l;
    dldt = - kf*r*l;
    drldt = kf*r*l;

% when using nested functions the main function needs
% to be closed with 'end'
function bestparameter = fitparameter()

[time, R, L, RL] = importdata(files(ii).name,1, 17);
data = [R L RL]; % this dataset (and time) is/are
% visible in objfunction

% when we use lsqnonlin (available in the optimization
% toolbox, we need to return only a vector of the 
% residuals) 
% the third and fourth argument are the lower and upper
% bounds on the argument that should be minimized
[bestparameter] = lsqnonlin(@objfunction, p0, 0, Inf);

function res = objfunction(parameter)

    ndata = length(time);
    [t, x] = ode15s(@odefunc,time, data(1,:));
    res = data-x;
    % convert the ndata x 3 matrix to a column vector
    % using the : operator
    res = res(:);

    function rhs = odefunc(t,x)
        kf = parameter;
        % extract the input vector into the state variables
        r = x(1);
        l = x(2);
        rl = x(3);

        % ODE system
        drdt = - kf*r*l;
        dldt = - kf*r*l;
        drldt = kf*r*l;

Exercise 10

files = dir('*.tif');

for ii = 1:length(files)
    iminfo = imfinfo(files(ii).name);
    % allocate the array imstack
    imstack = zeros(iminfo(1).Height, iminfo(1).Width,length(iminfo);

    % read in the tif into imstack using imread
    for jj = 1:length(iminfo)
        imstack(:,:,jj) = imread(files(ii).name,'Index',jj);

    % extract the fluorescent images into another image stack
    imstackf = imstack(:,:,1:end/2);

    % maximum intensity projection
    imm = max(imstackf,[],3);

    % convert it to (0,1) intensity range
    img = mat2gray(imm);

    % median filtering to remove noise
    img = medfilt2(img);

    % sharpen the image
    img = imsharpen(img);

    % calculate the threshold
    threshold = graythresh(img);

    % segment the image using the threshold
    imbw = im2bw(img, threshold);

    % identify the objects
    imobjs = bwlabel(imbw);

    % extracting properties of the objects
    improps = regionprops(imobjs,'all');
    ncells = length(improps);

    % the number of cells is the number of identified objects
    sprintf('This image contains %d cells', ncells)

Category: Scientific Computing
Tags: mac science matlab development tutorial image processing mathematical modelling